Boken Mötesräddaren - Konkreta verktyg som stimulerar hjärnan till kreativa och effektiva möten.
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The meeting saver - 28 concrete methods that stimulate the brain to creative and effective meetings. Here you also get inspiration for digital meetings!
Article Number:
The meeting savior - The book with 21 concrete methods for creating meetings with joy, commitment and participation.
We love meetings! Or more specifically, we love meetings that engage all participants, have a clear purpose and are fun to attend. Meetings to look forward to and feel proud of when they are completed. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
We want to save Sweden from inefficient and boring meetings and this book is a step in that work. The book is practically oriented and does not address obvious things such as that it is important to have a clear purpose and goal with the meeting. We already think you know that. Here you can instead take part in our favorite tools in the form of concrete methods for initiating, conducting and concluding meetings.
These methods create commitment, participation and joy and contribute to effective meetings and achieved goals.